Artists Unite to End FGM is a network of socially conscious artists committed to ending female genital mutilation (FGM), child marriage and all violence against African women and girls.

We have always understood and harnessed the power of the arts in helping us achieve our goals, as the arts provide a unique opportunity to raise issues such as FGM to a wider audience.

We organised an exhibition (Traditions Run Deeper Than Law) in collaboration with artist Aga Tamiola in 2014 which was part of an overall FORWARD exhibition – Something About Bodies for our 30th Anniversary.  11 international artists created pieces deepening the understanding of cultural and traditional background of a harmful FGM practice and the complexities that societies encounter while trying to eradicate it.

Then in 2017 we held another successful exhibition ‘Hidden Scars’ featuring 9 female artists.

The artists we work with believe they have a social responsibility to question, comment and take action. Their art practices range from painting, sculpture, photography, textile, new media, dance, literature and film.

We also launched Musicians Unite to End FGM (MUTEFGM) in 2016 after years of working with musicians to raise awareness of the issues we work on, read more about that.